analytical sciences
Great flavors require expertise to analyze, evaluate and apply.
If you want to take advantage of the latest flavor trend or develop your own new flavor, look no further. Backed by the latest technology and an experienced analytical chemist, abelei is well-equipped to analyze products to determine their content, composition, and quality. We can find the perfect top note for your product, match the latest flavor trend or mask an off‐flavor.
applications technology
Perfect proportions are the key to great taste.
The other half of our role as a flavor creator is to perfectly apply flavors to a product base. Our experienced staff determines just the right flavor quantities for your product. By examining the factors of taste, functionality, and economy, our team applies flavors that perform best in your unique product base.
We invite our customers to work directly with our team, joining us side-by-side in the lab. This enables you to easily provide us with feedback in addition to giving you valuable insight into our application process.
sensory sciences
Taste tests promote flavor success.
abelei provides the sensory testing that is required when developing a successful new product. We’ll conduct our evaluations and sensory tests either in-house or at designated locations. Qualified customers who take advantage of this service will receive complete information on test methods and documented results.